Setting Yourself Up to Win in 2020 – The Execution Challenge

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly…”  – Theodore Roosevelt
To start, click my video below “The Execution Challenge – Setting Yourself Up to Win” (3 minutes, 2 seconds)

Setting Yourself Up to Win in 2020 –  The Execution Challenge:

To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances:
As we head into February and towards the middle of the 1st Quarter and I speak with more and more Entrepreneurs and Professionals, critically important questions keep surfacing as areas that need clarity and focus:

“If we were meeting here in 1 Year’s Time, and looking back over the previous 12 months, what would have to have happened to you for you to be satisfied with your progress?”

#1) Fundamentally, in writing, what’s your most important goal (or top 2-3) that you are committed to and need to accomplish in the next 12 months?


In writing, what’s your big why? Why is this important for you? Why pursue this? What does this path and accomplishment do for you? Who do you get to become as a result of this achievement? What does it do for your future?


Given your biggest challenges and opportunities for 2020, what are Your Committed Action Steps for The Next 90 days? 30 days? 7 days?


90 Days? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



30 Days? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



7 Days?


“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power & magic in it” Goethe


#2) Who are you going to interact with on a consistent that is equally or more capable and equally or more inspired by who you are and what you’re up to for 2020? Do you have win-win agreements in place with each other?


Are they a family member? A friend? A coach? A mentor? A colleague? A learning community? How frequently will you talk? Daily? Weekly? Other?


Mutually supportive relationships increase your resiliency & unstoppability.


#3) What’s your plan to ensure you’re consistently energized, inspired, motivated, focused and engaged, as you achieve your list of milestones?


What are you reading? Who and what are you listening to, be it in person, on audio books or podcasts or youtube or webinars or seminars? Are you taking great care of yourself and optimizing all aspects of your health? Be it exercise, movement, hydration, rejuvenating rest and great relationships?


What are you doing for adventure and laughs? How are you making it fun?


#4) Repeat, repeat, repeat this…and adjust as you go, the more you know


Do whatever you must to light a fire under yourself and stay fully alive


Thank you for continuing to let us know what you are up to and up against.

We look forward to expanding our relationship and future efforts together.


Please call upon us @ any time and let us know how you think we can serve you best – we are committed to be just a simple phone call, e mail and heartbeat away. Let’s keep in good touch.

With sincere and deep appreciation,

Coach Don


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