Creating Your Unstoppable Resilience

Creating Your Unstoppable Resilience
The Monthly Newsletter from Don Sardella, Business Development Coach for Financial Advisors and beyond – October 2016

To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances:
Don Sardella here, Business Development Coach for Financial Advisors and beyond:
As we quickly enter the 4th Quarter of 2016, heading towards year-end, I often ask clients, what’s the one thing you most need to accomplish right now, for the rest of this year to finish in crescendo, or nothing else will really make a difference?

Often times, we get distracted from our main focus and/or bounced off the best path to accomplish our most important priorities. My question is, what are we doing to Create Our Unstoppable Resilience? How are we bouncing back ASAP?
To this end, I want to offer you a few ideas and strategies, for your consideration, to fortify your networks of support. This may not be a complete list for you and it may serve you to further identify and activate your own best approaches.

  • What mental protein are you personally reading, on a daily, consistent basis, to further fuel and energize your professional heart mind and soul? Is this, in fact, happening for you, as you set yourself up to win?
  • What are you listening to during to your “classroom on wheels” drive time and/or exercise time, to stay abreast with the best and the brightest people in your field? Is this common sense also our common practice?
  • With whom do you have low-cost, no-cost peer coaching and mentoring relationships with whom to spur each other to new heights of excellence, as you have each other’s back on the way to your top and your best?
  • What seminars, webinars, websites, youtube channels and workshops are you investing in to create a return that far exceeds your resources allocated for those purposes? What could they be, if you so choose?
  • What learning communities and professional associations do you participate in on a regular basis to reinvigorate and revitalize yourself, as you keep yourself abreast of all that’s most important for you?
  • Are you taking ongoing courses (online or otherwise) for your continuous strategic development and inspirational perspective or even better yet, taking teachers who have deep, relevant, lifetime bodies of work?
  • With whom can you mentor or for whom can you mentor or with whom can you reverse mentor, as an even better 2 way street, to keep yourself electrified, animated and fully powered up? We become what we teach, yes?
  • Are you exercising yourself to energize, hydrating yourself well with an abundance of water, getting sufficient rest, eating as well as you can and creating mutually rewarding, well-connected, long-term relationships?
  • As we have all heard a million times before, it’s not how many times we get knocked down, it’s how many times we keep getting back up that counts. That’s how your winning keeps getting done. How goes the fight?
  • No matter how good any of us already are, we all stand to go even further and farther with coaches and a strong network of accountable support. Ask any highly competitive, World-Class Olympic or Professional Athlete.
  • Are you getting and taking and giving all the help you can get and give? Do your actions and behaviors consistently match your goals? Your values? You probably know what to do – question is, are we doing what we know?

One question we also may want to us ourselves – what if we don’t do any or all of this? How’s that likely to turn out for ourselves? We ok with that? The choice is clearly ours to make. I like the thought, “if it is to be, it is up to me.”

I suggest we all pick and write down (now is a good time to do this J) 2-3 action items to fulfill between now and year end. Often times, this can lead to a Happier Holiday Season for ourselves and the people we care about most.

As you work to define that for yourself, you can likely put yourself in a better position to have great momentum as we all turn the corner and head into our New Year of 2017. May you forever Create the Unstoppable Resilience of Your Dreams.

I look forward to opportunities to catch up with you again in the near future, to hear more about your most desirable outcomes in all areas of your life, starting with your work. Til then, a tip of the hat to your totally empowered success!!



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